Last month our article ended with the first
part of a famous saying. "The two best doctors in the world are..." The complete
quote is: "The two best doctors in the world are your right leg and your left
Walking is an effective way to improve physical
health, and also mental and emotional health as well. Many people have been able
to change their whole life and their future by walking. It has been found that
the repetitious movement of walking puts the body into the parasympathetic
state, which is the state of "rest and repair". It usually takes about 20
minutes or more of walking before the body
goes into this state.
Mental and emotional
stress puts a tremendous burden on the subconscious,
and can cause many different types of physical ailments. Walking for 20 minutes
or more each day allows the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind to relax,
and be able to deal with things that cause stress much more
Mental and emotional

Walking has always been one of the best
cardiovascular exercises. In fact, in the last 40 years cardiovascular training
has become a worldwide practice. It really started in the 1970's with a lot more
research into exercise programs for athletes, both professional and amateur. The
question arose that since cardiovascular training had such amazing benefits for
a healthy, youthful person, could there be any potential benefits for the sick
and the elderly, if they had a modified program that was scaled down to their
fitness level. Research and testing was conducted all over the world, and proved
that most people have a health and fitness potential that is much higher than
they realize. Some people suffer with poor health and premature ageing when they
could enjoy a strong, healthy and youthful body, and be much more productive in
their work, family life and social life!

Benefits the 12 Systems of the Body
Cardiovascular Training benefits all 12
Systems of the human body. What we mean by this, is that there is a special
set of unique benefits for each of the 12 different systems in the body. When
people understand the importance of that statement, they begin to realize
how essential cardiovascular training is for everyone who wants to be healthier,
stronger and more youthful. So, what are some of the systems in the body, and
the corresponding benefits of cardiovascular training for those systems?
Circulatory System: Cardiovascular
training strengthens the heart muscle and helps create flexible, clean arteries.
Keeping arteries flexible and clean is the best way to prevent arteriosclerosis
and blockages. The life-giving movement of cardiovascular exercise maximizes the
delivery and uptake of oxygen and other life-giving nutrients by every cell in
the body. Also, the retrieval of waste products is optimized from all of the
trillions of cells in the body. Resting heart rate can be reduced by up to 25
beats per minute which will save over 1 million beats per month on the heart
Digestive System:
Stimulates the assimilation of nutrients from the GI (Gastro-Intestinal) tract
into the bloodstream to feed all the glands and organs, and muscles, bones and
tissues in the body. Also, the uptake of glucose into the cells is improved to
help regulate blood sugar levels!
Endocrine System (Glandular System):
By elevating the heart rate there is an increase in the quality and quantity of
hormones produced by the glands, specifically the 3 master glands in the brain,
the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus. This will result in increased alertness
and clarity, improved mood, and a more positive mental and emotional outlook.
Also, the metabolism is stimulated and recalibrated for optimum weight
management. Studies have found that a good cardio program can turn back the
internal biological clock by up to 30 years. The average 70 year old, who is
physically fit, could be in better overall condition than the average 40 year
old, who is not physically fit!
Muscular System: Cardiovascular
training provides an overall conditioning of over 400 skeletal muscles, which
are the muscles that move the joints in the body. Also, the strength of the
glands and organs is directly related to the strength of the skeletal muscles.
This is especially true for the muscles in the core or torso, resulting in
healthier, stronger gland and organ function!
Nervous System: The simple,
repetitious movements of cardiovascular exercise puts the body into the state of
rest and repair which is the parasympathetic state. This is an excellent way to
reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep patterns.
Skeletal System: The
bones and joints are strengthened because of the challenge of movement and
resistance. The uptake of calcium and other minerals is improved, because of the
effect of the G-forces of gravity on the bone cells. This is especially
important from middle age on to help prevent osteoporosis, and to keep the
framework of the body, which is the skeletal system, strong and erect. All of
the glands, organs and muscles are supported in the correct position by a strong
skeletal system so they can function properly. Correct posture also feels good
and looks good.
These are some of the key benefits of
cardiovascular training for 6 out of the 12 systems in the body! So, we can see
that cardiovascular training is very beneficial for everyone, but should
everyone be doing the same type of training?

Which Type Is Best?
Like any exercise or therapy, it is
important that it is graduated and suitable for the individual's particular
needs and goals. There are 4 main types of cardiovascular training: 1) Weight
Loss; 2) Aerobic Conditioning; 3) Competitive Training; and 4) Interval
For weight loss it is recommended to
exercise between 60% -70% of your maximum heart rate for a longer duration,
perhaps up to an hour or more. Remember from the last article that your maximum
heart rate per minute, is 220 minus your age. For example, a 50 year old would
have a maximum heart rate of 220 minus 50 which would equal 170 beats per
minute. For aerobic conditioning the range is 70% - 80% of your maximum
heart for moderate duration, perhaps 30 to 60 minutes. For competitive
training the range is 80% - 90% for a shorter duration, which might be 10 to
30 minutes. For interval training a person will raise their heart rate to
the upper end of their personal target zone for several minutes, and then slow
down and/or decrease resistance to bring their heart rate down to the lower end
of their personal target zone for a few minutes. This high intensity and then
low intensity approach is repeated several times throughout their workout. This
is an excellent way for a person to improve their recovery time, which is
how quickly their pulse returns to normal after exercise. Interval training is
also more stimulating and less tiring than workouts that are always at a
constant heart rate. All 4 different cardiovascular workouts could be used for
enhanced benefits, depending on a person's individual needs and goals, and if
they have the approval of their doctor.
Next month we will be talking about the
different products or activities that can give you a good cardiovascular
workout, and the advantages of each so that you have an idea which type of
activity is best for you. We will also talk about a simple way to do a periodic
fitness test, and why doing so is an excellent motivator!
Did you know that the heart muscle, which in the average adult weighs
less than a pound, pumps about ______ gallons a day, which is ______ pounds of
blood a day? We will tell you next month how big those numbers really are! You
will be amazed.
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